Don't get me wrong I'm not a fan of drink driving but you have to wonder what the point of giving the police the power to make random stops is. They can already pull you over for a multitude of made up reasons such as "sorry sir you appeared to be driving too close to the middle of the road/ too fast/too slow/ have just driven out of a pub etc." Or they can play silly buggers by tailgating your car with their lights on full beam and sirens off, only to put them on and pull you over for going to fast when you put your foot down to get a bit of distance between yourself and the apparent maniac intent on chasing you down and/or running you off the road. (not that i'm bitter about the speeding ticket mind)
Surely if a car is being driven properly, hasn't been involved in an accident and there is no reason to believe that the drivers pissed, they (the driver) should be allowed to go about their business without worrying about being pulled over by over-eager fuzz desperate to check his or her blood alcohol level so they can hit their quota of stops for the night and get on with the important work of giving "lifts home" to drunken teenage girls.