The 27th of June 2007 was a day that in retrospect i have been looking forward to since May 1997 , it will be remembered as the day that Tony "Grinning Twat" Blair finally had all is belongings carted out of downing street and fucked off back up north to announce to the retarded bunch of coal munching whippet fanciers who've been returning him to Parliament for the last 25 years that he was finaly retiring from British political life.
To make life even better he's taken up a new job which will involve him spending considerable amounts of time within mortar range of some very pissed off and heavily armed Arabs.
However despite this I felt down hearted, the champagne remains on ice and rather than spending last night swinging from the rafters in orgy of celebration I spent the evening watching Pirates of the Caribbean 3 in the local flea pit. I can only attribute this malaise to two things, the manner of his departure and the nature of his successor.
Others have written far more eloquently about his replacement than I could hope, suffice to say that the one eyed arse bandit will more than likely be worse in every conceivable way than Blair and that there is no prospect a government led by this self righteous porridge wog doing anything to change the course that the country is taking. So look forward to more centralisation, more taxation and more interfering nannying by the "Gordo knows best" government.
What really gets my goat though is the way that the cunt was given a standing ovation by MPs after finishing in the commons yesterday, even the opposition (who have supposed to of been trying to remove his clammy hands from the leavers of power for 10 years), saw fit to praise his achievements (surrendering to the IRA and propping up corrupt African dictators) . None of our elevated representatives or commentating journalists said, what to me should have been blatantly obvious, i.e anything along the lines off "good riddance you treacherous, lying, incompetent, useless lump of shit, thanks for fucking up a perfectly good country and interfering in all our lives with your ridiculous ideas, now fuck off and take your ugly wife and kids with you into a (hopefully) short retirement before that dodgy ticker of yours explodes"
With hind sight I shouldn't be surprised at my disappointment. It was never likely that the Blair years would have ended as I would of liked- a rampaging mob breaking down the gates to Downing street , dragging him into the road and shooting the useless fucker in the back of the head.
To make life even better he's taken up a new job which will involve him spending considerable amounts of time within mortar range of some very pissed off and heavily armed Arabs.
However despite this I felt down hearted, the champagne remains on ice and rather than spending last night swinging from the rafters in orgy of celebration I spent the evening watching Pirates of the Caribbean 3 in the local flea pit. I can only attribute this malaise to two things, the manner of his departure and the nature of his successor.
Others have written far more eloquently about his replacement than I could hope, suffice to say that the one eyed arse bandit will more than likely be worse in every conceivable way than Blair and that there is no prospect a government led by this self righteous porridge wog doing anything to change the course that the country is taking. So look forward to more centralisation, more taxation and more interfering nannying by the "Gordo knows best" government.
What really gets my goat though is the way that the cunt was given a standing ovation by MPs after finishing in the commons yesterday, even the opposition (who have supposed to of been trying to remove his clammy hands from the leavers of power for 10 years), saw fit to praise his achievements (surrendering to the IRA and propping up corrupt African dictators) . None of our elevated representatives or commentating journalists said, what to me should have been blatantly obvious, i.e anything along the lines off "good riddance you treacherous, lying, incompetent, useless lump of shit, thanks for fucking up a perfectly good country and interfering in all our lives with your ridiculous ideas, now fuck off and take your ugly wife and kids with you into a (hopefully) short retirement before that dodgy ticker of yours explodes"
With hind sight I shouldn't be surprised at my disappointment. It was never likely that the Blair years would have ended as I would of liked- a rampaging mob breaking down the gates to Downing street , dragging him into the road and shooting the useless fucker in the back of the head.