"As the Roman, in days of old, held himself free from indignity, when he could say, Civis Romanus sum [I am a Roman citizen], so also a British subject, in whatever land he may be, shall feel confident that the watchful eye and the strong arm of England will protect him from injustice and wrong."Lord Palmerston in 1850 after sending in the Navy to blockade the Greek Port of Piraeus because of the refusal of the Greek Government to compensate a Portuguese Jew, "Don Pacifico" after he was attacked by an anti Semitic mob in Athens. Don Pacifico was a British Citizen by virtue of having been born in Gibraltar.

"What we are trying to do at the moment is to pursue this through the diplomatic channels and make the Iranian government understand these people have to be released and that there is absolutely no justification whatever for holding them. I hope we manage to get them to realise they have to release them. If not, then this will move into a different phase." Tony Blair 2007, doing fuck all after 15 Royal Navy personnel were abducted by the Iranians whilst operating under the Authority of a UN Security Council Resolution in Iraqi Territorial Waters.
And we wonder why Johnny Foreigner doesn't respect us any more?
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