Forgive your humble correspondent for being a bit late of the mark with this one but, as I don't come from London, the news that Ken Livingstone is planning to spend £2 million on a street party in honor of "50 years of justice" in Cuba completely passed me by until I read
Anthony Brownes piece in today's spectator
Having been to Cuba several times I have always been impressed by the friendliness of the Cuban People and have found it a wonderful place to wallow in some decadent western pastimes, usually with a bottle of Havana club and a Montecristo number one. Not being a total cunt I fail to see how they've benefited from fifty years of communist rule when the country has gone from one of the richest in the Caribbean to living in abject poverty.
Cuba is a country where freedom of speech and opinion are severely restricted (i.e they don't have it) and poverty is rife, with many people unable to obtain basic necessities such as dried Milk for babies without paying high prices on the black market. Though the schools where the party apparatchiks send their children are apparently brilliant, reading is restricted to state approved texts, (I'd recommend a visit to a book shop, lots of biographies of Castro and socialist rants) and the schools where ordinary Cubans send their kids fall well short of the mark. Though Cuba has a high literacy rate there are no jobs, and as for the hospitals, with the exception of the UN teaching hospital in Havana, again used mainly by party members, I'd rather go to the vets.
Next time Red Ken takes a tax payer fuelled junket to Cuba it might do him some good to pull his head out of arse, get shot of the government employed guides, leave the five star hotels and actually go and have a look at the type of "socially just" country that the old monster Castro has created. (Give you a clue, walk in a straight line from any tourist area in any direction and it won't take long.)
Rather than sending congratulations to Castro, Londoners should send the Cubans some rope and a book on knot tying, passing on the tradition of the Tyburn jig so they can string the fucker up from the nearest lamppost and get themselves a proper government.
Thinking about it that wouldn't be a bad bit of advise for any "cockney sparrows" reading this to apply at home.